Instrument Rating
The Instrument Rating is the next step up in aviation after the Private Pilot’s License. This additional rating allows you to fly IFR as opposed to VFR, and with that comes a separate set of rules that you will need to follow. Because flying IFR grants you access to fly in Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC), you will learn to fly your aircraft based on just the instruments in the cockpit.
Course Prerequisites
Hold at least a private pilot’s certificate
Ability to read, write and speak English
Be at least 17 years old
Part 61 Training Requirements
50 Hours of Pilot in Command (PIC) Cross-Country Time
40 Actual or Simulated Instrument Time
Can be achieved with a safety pilot or an instructor
Up to 20 hours can be flown in an approved AATD simulated like our iGate Elite G502
15 Hours of Actual or Simulated Instrument Flight Training
Must be flown with a Certified Flight Instructor-Instrument (CFII)
3 Hours of Actual or Simulated Flight Training Within 2 Calendar Months of your Instrument Checkride
One 250nm Instrument Cross-Country Training Flight with an Instrument Approach at Each Airport and Three Different Kinds of Approaches Flown
65 Question Multiple-Choice Written Exam
Note §61.65 for additional requirements
*If you are training via a part 141 program, please see the requirements here.